I’m in Florida this week with a technology client that I advise. The primary topic of discussion is AI followed by more AI. The company has no choice. AI has changed everything related to business.

Twitter has hired a new CEO. Makes sense. Elon Musk has more important things to focus on. I’ve been pushing Twitter to introduce shoppable videos instead of maintaining the status quo. I recently evaluated integrating AI into shoppable videos – doing so changes everything. Shoppable videos powered by AI is a game changer for advertising and revenue generation.

Amazon has announced that it’s investing heavily to introduce generative AI across all of their businesses. An area that I’m most interested in is conversational search. LinkedIn members who read my posts know that I have been arguing for Amazon to make Alexa the voice of conversational AI. For example, “Alexa, I want to buy a denim shirt. Size XL. What is the best shirt for me?” Within seconds, Alexa should be able to display the shirt along with additional content. If I like the shirt that was selected by Alexa, I should be able to say, “Buy it.”

Conversational AI will lead to many changes for Amazon. For one thing, brands and sellers will have to ensure that their products are ‘AI search ready’. I also anticipate that Amazon will begin to bundle products together; this will especially be true for women’s fashions. A woman searching for a dress can be presented with options on her own avatar or an avatar she chooses. Instead of only displaying the desired dress, however, the avatar will display the perfect matching handbag, shoes, bracelet, watch, belt, necklace, and so on. Men can experience the same thing when they shop for clothes. Tim Derner

Amazon sees what I do in terms of using AI to reimagine the entire retail experience. Amazon is hiring for positions focused on the following:

“We are reimagining Amazon Search with an interactive conversational experience that helps you find answers to product questions, perform product comparisons, receive personalized product suggestions, and so much more, to easily find the perfect product for your needs.”

I recommend expanding the search results to include other products to maximize revenue generation and improve the customer experience.

Consumers are increasingly conducting first-product searches on Amazon. AI has the potential to make Amazon the next Google. The advantage Amazon has over Google is that Amazon has created the worlds leading fulfillment network. AI is going to change everything about Amazon’s logistics and last mile delivery as well.

I’ve stated many times on LinkedIn, that the next big thing in Search and in retail is See/Buy – I see a product I want and I buy it without having to bounce around Stone Age websites. AI is going to make this a reality. AI is changing everything.